Thursday, August 12, 2010

Douche-Nozzle Confirmation

And just to prove my point, I received the below email this morning...which made me wretch. Please note that names have been changed to protect the innocent (and non-innocent).

Respected Ms. Blogger

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request your assistance with a letter of recommendation. If you would be so kind as to support my application, kindly address the below listed criteria for awards in your letter.

i) Demonstrated excellence in the conduct of original research in oncology
ii) Academic performance and credentials
iii) Medical aptitude
iv) Plans for a career in academic medicine
v) Demonstrated leadership among peers

I have attached my vita for your viewing pleasure.

Upon completion, please make two separate copies of the letter, one entitled "Douche Canadian - Something Something General Scholarship Award Letter" and another titled "Douche Canadian - Something More Specific Scholarship Award Letter." Both letters can be sent to Ms. Innocent at your earliest convenience.

Please let me know if I can provide any other information.

Warm Regards
Yours sincerely,
Douche Canadian

Now, lets cover a few items: Yeah, I'm going to do it because I have to. Technically the letters would be from the boss. But all I'm really going to do is reformat a letter previously written and have him sign off. And yeah, he's trying to be cutesy with me. But I didn't acknowledge any of that. I sent a curt response about a deadline and that I would inform him upon its completion. A month ago I would have fretted about the letter and would have sent him multiple cutesy emails in response. I think he thinks he has me (because technically...he did for a while). Does that make sense? I'm relieved that is all behind me. Two themes come to mind: "growing up is hard to do" and "I'm too old for this bull-shit". Maple sucker.

Next up, something way more fun: a Love Letter (but to whom?)

1 comment:

genderist said...

1. "Maple sucker" has to be the best jab you've had in months. That made me snort.
2. I want to guess that the love letter is to... yourself! And if it's not, I think you should consider doing one of those, too.

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