Friday, July 16, 2010

The Final Countdown and a Nightmare Before Vacation

Good morning,

Short story for you and then I bid you adieu. Last night as I was feeding Bebe dinner (and trying desparately to get her to actually eat it and not play with it) I let our smaller, much more active doggie Peanut back in to the house. She'd been playing and exploring in the back yard as usual. Shortly after letting her back in, I noticed a rather large amount of blood dripping on the floor. I couldn't figure out where on her it was coming from, so I coaxed her back outside so I could figure it out.

Daddy was upstairs taking a nap so he could stay up late last night, sleep in late today, so he can drive late into the night tonight...getting his internal clock reorganized. I had the baby in the high chair, but Peanut needed attending to soon. So I yelled and hollered and yelled some more and I got nothing from Daddy. Now I'm staring to freak out a bit. Bebe is watching my every move and is starting to get a little worried so I talk to her and tell her every thing is ok and i tone down my panic. Peanut is right outside the glass door, still dripping blood and spraying it all over the glass and patio with every headshake she does. I decided that since I couldn't rouse Daddy, that i needed to take action on the dog. Bebe is fine in her chair, so I pulled it over to the glass door and told her I was going outside to check on the doggie. I asked her if she would be ok to watch Mommy outside the glass and she said "OK" so out I went. I got the dog to calm down just enought for me to determine where the wound was, right on the tip of her ear. But I couldn't figure out how to get the blood to stop, especially with all the head shaking. The blood would stop, then she'd shake her ears around and she would start again. Drip drip drip. I could see Bebe's concerned looks and hear her whining so I made the decision to leave Peanut out side and go get Daddy up. I ran up stairs and still couldn't get him up, he must have been in a deep sleep, because he was weird when I finally roused him. Then I ran back down stairs to tend to the baby and check on the dog.

When Daddy came down, we Peanut inside. She ran around he house, splattering blood everywhere. Floors, walls, clothes, etc. It was gross. I had to drag her ass back outside so we could clean it up. I felt so bad because she was hot and miserable and just wanted to be in the AC with us so we could love on her. After Bebe went down and we shoveled down some food, I went back outside to deal with it, because the blood drips just were not stopping. We went outside with her, washed the ear with water and applied pressure to her ear with some paper towels and told Daddy to go look on the internet for a solution (because I still needed to finish folding laundry and packing! fuck!). I sat out there with her for a while and loved on her and applied pressure. I think she was happy for the attention and I was happy to make her feel better (nurse, anyone?). I was covered in blood from head to toe. Daddy finally came back out and said we needed to dip her ear in flour or baby powder, like every half hour. That helps with the clotting, I suppose. Thank goodness for the internet.

I'm almost done packing. I found everything that was MIA so far: camera battery charger, make-up bag, books, etc. Derek is in charge of buying a new power adapter for the portable DVD player...because we MUST have that if we are to survive. I'm pretty wiped out today, but that's ok. Just gotta push on through, for 7.5 more hours.

So this is the last you'll hear from me until our return next weekend. I will have pictures and stories galore. I wish you a lovely third week of July and many, many happy returns (to this blog).

Ready for Boiled Peanuts,


genderist said...

Poor Peanut. :(

Cheers for a wonderful trip!!

The 4th Doctor said...

What a bloody awful time for that to happen...

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