Thursday, July 29, 2010

ACT Scores Help Woman Analyze Station in Life

In October of 1997 (OMG, 13 years ago), I took the ACT test in preparations for college the following year. As I'm preparing to submit my application materials to Nursing school, I took a closer gander at these scores. They are weird, but explain why I am where I am in my life right now. Lets review and analyze how bad my high school & college counselors were.

English - 25 (Pretty good, eh? I do love to edit. I was an honors English student afterall)
Math - 17 (This is fair, but not great. I was always told I wasn't a "math person" anyways)
Reading - 19 (Also fair, also not great. I struggled with comprehension, but I was distracted with all that teenage crap)
Science Reasoning - 10 (Hello! Big Flags! Not good! Total fail on the part of my HS counselor...and myself. But I was young and didn't really know what I was doing.)
Composite - 20 (I wish someone had said "Molly, this is fair, but lets get you some math/science practice materials and take the spring test just to see how we do").

I wonder where I'd be now if someone had tried to intervene and direct me into a more liberal arts path. Bloody likely I would have told them to suck my balls because the Recording Industry was "way cooler". What I know is that I might not have my sweet husband, cutest baby in the world or some of the most awesome friends ever (holla, TN!). I don't have many regrets and I am a little (see: highly) restless right now. But overall, I'm happy. I need to hold on to that happy real tight.

Holding on,

1 comment:

The 4th Doctor said...

I couldn't even spell ACT when I took it.

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