Monday, January 18, 2010

WTF, Gods of Fate?

Listen, I've been blogging over where in the hell we should moved to next since the last time we moved. I like this place because blah blah blah and I feel blah blah blah, sentimental blah blah blahs. I'm exhausted because just when I thought it was a done deal, it is no longer a done deal. We've been researching our move to WV for a good month. We even officially announced it to my family, who lives there. But this winter has been cruel in KY, even crueler in WV. My husband said it on the way home Friday, "life is hard enough..." He's right, it is hard enough with work, school and bringing-up-baby. Add nasty weather and constant bouts of illness and we've about had it. So then we started talking and he mentions Utah, specifically where his parents live.

I immediately said "no fucking way, too far, I couldn't do it to my family and I couldn't handle it personally." I would really miss being so close to my family and that place I still call home. But I kept thinking about it and Derek kept mentioning it. Surprisingly, I found myself the day before yesterday being ok with it. I've done my research and have been there many times. This place is a great place. Its safe, its beautiful, its warm there year round (it is the dessert, after all), real estate isn't too bad and Derek's parents are there so it fulfills the family requirement of our next move. Luckily I get along well with them, otherwise it would be a no-go. Don't get me wrong, it does have its down sides (and i'll post those later). Our main concern is making the best decision for our family. If we do decide to go west and it doesn't work out, we can always bail and head back east and try our luck there. We're still young, so what the hell, lets have an adventure, right?!

Ultimately, all this decision means is that we are putting Utah in the hat along with WV and both stand at about 50/50%. We're going to go around and around with both until we eventually figure this thing out. Wish us luck.



Cerulean Bill said...

Never lived there, but from passing through, I agree with your feeling about the place. You could do a lot worse, and in some ways its a lot better than the alternatives.

genderist said...

You know, Jane, I vote for what's best for you, Derek and baby.

You can make anything work. :)

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