Friday, December 2, 2011

Holiday Edition - Vol 3

We had a great visit with the in-laws, despite their new found health food thing.  I'm not just talking about healthy eating (because they did that before), I'm talking a judge-y, "everything in your pantry is poison, you need to buy organic" thing.  It was slightly painful, but its all good because its over.  Truth be told, so far for most people, its not an attainable lifestyle due to the cost of purchasing all organic stuff.  I do pretty good as far as healthy food is concerned for my family, so I'm not too worried about it. 

And now I push on through to finals so that I can pass this class and move on with my peeps into my Peds/OB semester.  I'm ready.  I got an A for this year's clinical experience and my clinical instructor said she would love to have me as a co-worker when I finish school.  I absolutely love that patient and nurse population and would be ever so happy to be there.  I think I just might end up an oncology nurse after all. 

Things I'm a be cookin' when school's out:

Gingerbread cakes (soft, thick gingerbread cutout cookies) recipe to post yet, sorry.

Gingerbread biscotti (this was a huge hit when Aunt Sissy came to visit)...digging up recipe.

Rugelah: Shortbread rolled up with nuts, raisins, cinnamon and raw sugar inside…gotta find a new recipe though, because Ina's dough just falls apart and that makes me insane.

Peanut Butter Blossoms - Peanut butter cookies with a Hershey kiss on top.  I may do a variation with chocolate dough and a Peanut butter or white chocolate kiss on top.

Sirupsnitter - thin, crispy almond cookies of Norwegian origin.  I've almost made these so many times but end up bailing due to some of the steps.  Going to suck it up this year.

Victorian Currant Cakes - sweet cookies with rum soaked raisins, cinnamon and nutmeg.

I'm always looking for new recipes, so please share!

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