Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Turn, Turn, Turn

Things are changing in my household like the seasons. Le Petit Bebe is growing like a weed. She's smarter and more genius every day. Genius, genius, genius. She's magic, I say, pure magic!

My good husband was finally handed his pink slip on Thursday. That means his part-time, grant job will be ending in a month, or two paychecks. That means that its time to start getting real and get some big things done. For my good husband=Final completion forever and ever amen of his thesis. Have I mentioned that before? Not sure... He was home today "working" on it. I say it like that because the last time he said he was going to do that, he did not. I was livid, but kept it to myself. He's an adult. But you can bet that I'll be inquiring for details about his progress this evening. I'd like the word "thesis" removed from my vocabulary when its all said, typed and done.

Sister-in-Law is moving out this summer, looks like, and in with a friend. She'll have put almost a year in with us. Glad to have had her, good for her. I'm very much ready to have my house back. One extra person and one extra dog = 3 large dogs, 3 adults and one child. That's a full house, yo. Like everyone I know said, it sure was nice of us. She never really fulfilled her part of certain agreements: babysitting (some, but not much, we probably went on 5-7 dates in the last year...doesn't seem like much), helping with expenses (just enough to break even with the extra utilities that she utilized), oh, and helping with cleaning (I think she vacuumed 3 times...only when I asked her to). It was an experiment. There's only one occasion in which I'd do this again, and that would be for my sister because I know that she knows how to clean, do laundry appropriately (I might do a whole blog on this) and take care of business in general with no weird shit. I love my SIL like my own blood, but time to get along little dogies.

This is the time of year that I always dream about my husband getting an awesome job offer in NC, we pack the bags, sell the house and move and all is well and better and magic. But so far, that's just the day dream. 3.5 months until we get to (hopefully, if monies allow) run off on another (non mid-semester) vacation...

Times ahead are tough, but I am very hopeful. Super, duper hopeful.

Have a nice day, mean it!

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