Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Special Delivery, The Positive and Pie* (said with Cartman voice)

Sister in Law (SIL) is here and all's well. She arrived last night around 6:00. The dogs are still adjusting, but they are in pretty good shape. Husband is home today helping SIL get everything she needs, get her room set up and acquaint her with town. I have to say she's a beautiful person, has endured a lot over the last year and I'm pretty happy to have her so close. SIL is a bit of a hippie, is Buddhist, yoga lover (and certified instructor), world traveler, almond milk drinker and, get this, Roller Derby lover. Woot! We're going to go to a practice and maybe try out with the local team. Will keep you posted on this. Also, she's willing to go to temple with me and Lilly. Finally, we can be proper Jews.

Having been massively depressed for the last, oh, I don't know, 72 hours or so, I'm happy to announce that my mental status is much improved. I just needed to hit bottom. But now I'm keepin' it positive, people! On a side note, "Keepin' it positive" was my personal mantra the last 3 months of my previous position. In essence, it was my own version of "fake it till you make it." Slowly but surely, my good friends that were under that leadership are officially all out of there. That seems pretty darn positive to me.

Next up is my great Aunt Anne's Custard Pie. This is a vanilla custard pie with a graham cracker crust and Aunt Anne's perfect meringue. And the custard is real vanilla custard, made with lots of eggs and not a package of vanilla pudding. It also has a real meringue, with the tips ever so slightly browned. Its my dad's preferred birthday treat and I plan on making him one when I go home. Sadly, all the little old ladies don't do much in the way of baking these days. I don't have a recipe, so I'll be utilizing my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook and my skillz. I need to get one practice pie in to make sure it works. Then I'll provide the recipe and photos. Stay tuned!


The 4th Doctor said...

I missed something. Is the SIL staying here permanently or just a long visit (said in the voice of Kenny)?

genderist said...

Oh, I'm so excited for several things --- one, team roller derby! How fun to have SIL to do it with you!!! Two, SIL = hippie. Love in my heart for her. L.O.V.E. Three, SIL = yoga instructor. Perfect. I'd love to have me a family hippie yoga-loving houseguest. Lastly, I always love me some pie. And some Jane. Love me some Jane.

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