Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Final Countdown: 3 Days

Hi there. Enjoy the view that I'll be soaking up next week. Quiet and serene. No computers and lots of books. I'm even taking the old SLR camera for some fun photography.

My list of to do's:
1. Build a gazillion sand castles with Petit Bebe
2. Take long walks
3. Enjoy the family
4. Eat massive amounts of fresh/non-farm raised seafood
5. Ponder life
6. Hold hands with my husband
7. Read lots of books
8. Enjoy the view

The Rules (little sister is in charge of helping me adhere to these rules):
1. No emailing, texting, Facebooking, Tweeting or surfing the web in any way, shape or form.
2. No stressing out. What's the point? Its vacation.
3. No fights with family members. What's the point? It's vacation.

Things to bring back to KY:
1. Peace of mind
2. Bumper sticker to help remember
our wonderful vacation
3. More freckles

Happy Tuesday,

1 comment:

genderist said...

Hmm. I think it's a fabulous list!

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