Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Aid - Part Deux

This class is continually interesting and we are increasing the amount of difficulty. The things we are learning to do will require us getting over our own issues with the words “gross” and “super private”. This is a part of nursing no matter what position you hold, so deal with it. People have to use the restroom, people must be bathed, have their hair washed, be given massages, etc. etc.
I am officially the teacher’s pet, which is ok by me. I usually either get to act as “supervisor” or I work with Lucy and help her with her translation when it comes to practicing our skills. Every time she tells us to pair up her head darts my direction as fast as lightening. I absolutely love working with her because she is so earnest and just dives right in. I think she likes me because I seem to understand what’s going on and am patient with her. We tear each step apart word by word and step by step, which is turning out to be very helpful to me.

Last night proved that my evening habits are starting to really kick me in the ass. I was really crashing in class, probably around 7PM, so I decided to run upstairs and grab a diet coke (note: a 20 oz. diet coke). That sort of held me over until the end. When class was over I reached in my pocket for my keys…no keys. I tore my bookbag apart looking for them. No keys. I decided I’d walk back across the street to check in the office. I have a card key to get in the building…but no keys to get into the office. Luckily on this night I had my cellular phone and called hospital security, who was able to send someone over to let me in. This added an unnecessary 30 minutes onto my day. I was home by 10. Of course, I was exhausted but still had to get some study time in before my test. I managed to get into bed around 11:40. However, although my body was absolutely exhausted, my heart was racing thanks to the 20 OZ DIET COKE that I just haaaad to ingest during class for survival. I had the knee bouncy thing going, heart pounding away, brain working overtime. I ended up taking two, count ‘em, two shots of vodka to try to slow everything down. I tossed for a while but eventually drifted off. I may have gotten 5 hours of sleep. I have a test today and I have CPR class tonight (hear the violins?). I’m slowly losing my cotton picking mind.

Until the next hairy adventure.

1 comment:

genderist said...

Oh, yeah. "Gross" will have a completely new meaning. I can't wait until you get to a point where you want to look over your shoulder for the video camera because you're convinced that this would make a great scene for a scary movie. :)

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