Thursday, February 11, 2010

Days in Daze

I've not been sleeping much this week which is kicking my ass, hardcore. Trouble is, I want to be awake. I want to stay up and watch as much TV as I can. But alas, I'm old and need my winks. Five plus hours isn't cutting it for Jane. Tonight, I sleep early.

I also haven't quite recovered from our trip to the big city this last weekend. Non-stop from leaving the house Friday morning until Sunday night when we got home. I keep going over everything in my head about potentially moving (back and forth, back and forth). What is the right move? I really love spending time with his family. I love them like I love my own. But I can tell you that two feet(+) of snow in my parents' back yard isn't helping things at all, no sir. And more is on the way in KY and WV. Really, Snow Miser? Really? Get a fucking life already. No, you get a life.

This weekend is VD Day (as my nurse mother likes to call it). Typically I'm not into the evils of commercial holidays. But after a year and a half of having a baby and a job and school, sometimes you need a cheesy excuse for a little romance. So there. Daddy and I are going out tomorrow night for dinner and a movie. And I'm making some kind of breakfast sweet on Sunday for all three of us to share. Maybe he'll surprise me and wash a few loads of laundry in lieu of flowers. And we'll be sure to give extra kisses all around so baby will be sure to enjoy VD Day.

1 comment:

genderist said...

I hope it was a fantastic date and that your breakfast plans go off without a hitch!

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