Monday, November 16, 2009

Santy Claws

Mom and Dad came down from WV this weekend to play. Translation: Dad helped us with some projects around the house and mom watched the baby. Dad and I made a banister for the stairs. He's a contractor but his favorite thing is wood working (cabinets, furniture, etc.) and he's fabulous at it. The open section on the stairs only goes about a third of the way up, so thats where it went. Its really beautiful. It needs stained/varnished and a few other little things, but I'm going to tackle that on my own. I've done it before, no big whoop. We also patched some holes in the wood siding made by some evil wood peckers and squirrels. We used bondo, which is normally used to patch holes in cars. Its awesome. We painted it to match the siding. Tadaa! It'll have to work until we can afford to put new siding up. We also replaced the water heater. I thought that was going to suck more than it did. But we did it and we now have hot water all the time! Yay!

Saturday night after baby went down and dinner was eaten, Mom took me shopping for some clothes for Christmas. We went to Macy's, a place I normally don't wander into because I've never really gotten past the pricey designer section. But we did and I found the less expesive, normal department store section. It was fabulous, fabulous, fabulous. I even found some new blue jeans. My mom's the best. She's real patient and won't rest until we've found the right fit, style or size. Its not as miserable an experience as it was when I was younger. I'm very real about how things fit on my body and what works and doesn't. There's no point getting upset about sizes, etc. I just want to look and feel nice when I leave the house. And we had a blast together.

So I have a monster test today that I think I'm relatively ready for. I've been studying since last weekend. My reward for studying and testing will be to put up the Christmas tree tonight. Just the tree and lights. I'll put the decorations on it tomorrow night. Bebe is going to go Kukoo bananas tomorrow when I show her. I realize you might think it too early for a tree, but I've decided that I don't care what you think. I have logical reasons. I'd explain, but that would insinuate that I care what you think. Its a very large tree, so I'll be pretty worn out by the time I get the lights on. I'll post some pics, then you'll be in the mood too!

You'll shoot your eye out, kid!


Cerulean Bill said...

Heck, it's YOUR tree, right? Go wild.

genderist said...

It's never too early for Xmas decorations!

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