Friday, July 6, 2012

Some Thoughts for Friday

Since I don't have time to record this for the podcast, I'm going to type out these most urgent thoughts for the day: 

1. Scientology is a religion thing created by a science fiction author.  Science. Fiction.

2. Tipper Gore, Democrat or not, can still suck my dick over this and I don't care that she's dating (Damnit, DailyBeast. Stop it.).

3. This is the kind of week that makes me think I can accomplish all of my dreams, far reaching as they may seem.

4. Andy Griffith/Taylor/Matlock was a wonderful man.  I don't' know what his politics were and I don't plan on researching them.  He brought some special things to the arts and I will always treasure him for it.

5. Awkward 12-year-olds can be assholes too, well meaning as they may think they are.  I schooled one at the mall yesterday and it felt kind of good.

6. Facebook continues to be a massive waste of time and I continue to want to break up with it. But breaking the addiction of social media is very, very difficult. 

7. I'm also thinking about shutting down this blog and, after archiving the posts, deleting it forever.  I feel the need to try to take some sort of control over my internet presence, but I'm not completely sure its possible.

Food for thought.  Now, time to go get my kid and load up the car.  Vacation is 14 hours away.


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