Thursday, February 9, 2012

Should have been there....


We had a super fun and informative episode of Greetings from Kentucky Live via Blog Talk Radio on Friday night.  You can listen to it right here and you should go do that as soon as possible so you know the Zombie odds and how to approach your survival.  Meanwhile, I'm pondering building out the crawl space under my house a bit for comfort.  I think we e could get a better door, seal some nooks and crannies up, install some benches and find a creative source for heat.  Figure out some non-perishables for our food supply and how to tell the kid we had to kill the dogs for protein.

Planning on packing up the kid in a few weeks and driving to WV. Mom's had a rough run with Grandma and is nearing complete caregiver burnout.  My mom is a nurse, but she doesn't need to be her mom's nurse.  Considering the situation, there's plenty of room to lose objectivity.  Also, I need a change of scenery for a few days and I absolutely love traveling with my daughter. Its just special and I love that we have places to go to that within a reasonable drive.  I'm pretty lucky in that regard. 

I've been thinking about job prospects once school is over and I'm considering applying to hospitals outside of the one associated with my current school.  From everything I've heard (and know from working and schooling here) there are much better places to be.  Its kind of a milestone for me to disassociate from this place.  I've been here for a long time and it wouldn't hurt me to get out in the world a bit. 


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