Monday, November 9, 2009

No Vegetables.

Husband, Petit Bebe and I decided that we would go to the Number 1 China Buffett for dinner on Saturday night. Its clean, well managed and the food is really good. So I'm fixing a plate for myself and I over hear the following conversation happening.

Lady: "Do you work here?"

Employee: "Uh, yes"

Lady: "Can you grill this?"

This is the point at which I look up expecing to see some peice of meat or vegetables that perhaps she wants to be cooked more thoroughly. But what I see is her holding a plate of white rice. This is when I decide to look away. My immediate reaction is embarrassment.

Employee: (clearly not understanding) "Uh, no?"

Lady: "I just want this cooked like fried rice, but no vegetables. Can you do that?"

Employee: "Uh, ok."

Lady: "Just fried but I don't want any vegetables."

Employee: "Ok. You want egg too?"

Lady: "Uh, yeah, just a little."

Now, I don't watn to seem ugly, but this lady look like the image of true health. So just to reiterate what our country is coming to, this lady wanted them to take some steamed white rice and add some oil to it. Oh, and some egg. Oil and egg. WTF?


The 4th Doctor said...

hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah, Fantastic!

Cerulean Bill said...

Perhaps they'd slipped to....the dark side?

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