Wednesday, October 19, 2011

1932nd Nervous Breakdown...Wednesday Edition!

Its Wednesday, but I only know that because I just happened to read it somewhere, not because I have some inherent awareness of what day is what. Just so I don't forget, lets do a Wednesday by the numbers!

1. Bebe is scared when she goes to bed now, so that's a new nightly battle.  We read a gazillion books, sing the soothing goodnight songs and step out of the room like normal and the panic sets in.  She didn't fall asleep last night until my bed...and only with me next to her.   
2. I have a pile of laundry that is trying to bury me alive. I will finish it and spit on its grave.
3. I can't get up early enough to work out as much as I'd like,but I'm persevering with the no meat and no dairy.  I think I've lost some weight, so that's a positive.  And no, I haven't been able to will myself onto a scale for fear that it will send me into a shame spiral.  I mean, I hate myself enough already without physical proof.
4.  I really want an egg, sunny side up, cooked in a little olive oil.  Salt and pepper.  Runny. Little chunk of bread to dip in the yolk.
5. I don't think I like cheese anymore.  Please note, I'm talking about run of the mill, pre-sliced, sandwich cheese.  Now, if you put some farmers cheese on a cracker or some brie?  Going in my mouth (insert dick joke here).
6. I desperately want to do another episode of the podcast but can't figure out how to work that very tedious process into my life at the moment.  But I do have a guest list damnit.
7. I'm already planning road trips for my entire winter break.  Bebe and I will be traveling to TN, WV, and OH.
8. School is kicking my ass and I don't know what else I can do to make it less painful...or more painful. 
9. My family is making me absolutely bananas...which is an excellent transition to 11! 

10. This weekend I'm getting in the family truckster and driving solo, sans Bebe, to TN to visit two fabulous people and to have some time to myself.  Part of me feels guilty for not taking her, because I want her to know her aunties.  Part of me wants to leave her here because I want to punish my husband.  Part of me is jealous that he gets the whole weekend with her.  I'm running away for 2 nights and that's that.
11. Haven't had much time for fun things like painting my toe nails, plucking my eyebrows, flipping through magazines and listening to my favorite podcasters.  I'm going to catch up on that last one this weekend.  I need some Maron and Walking the Room to make it all right again.   If you listen to either, especially the later, you know how fucked that is.

Love to hear from you,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

7 Days or So Later...

After 7 days and nights of not eating meat and dairy, I'm here to report that I'm hella sick of beans and sweet potatoes.  Its very difficult to plan separate meals or even modify meals with no meat, dairy, oils, flavor, etc.  But really, the eating part wasn't bad at all.  I don't mind not eating meat, as previously mentioned, but its not a cheap practice.  And I'm having a hard time with the idea of not being able to have frozen yogurt on occasion.  So now that I've experienced a week of this thing and have a better understanding of how it all works, I'm going to find what the Buddha calls "The Middle Way".  I think that's pretty self explanatory but I'll detail: I'm going to stick with the soy milk,  little to no oils, and remain mostly meat free.  I'm going to enforce a rule at home that requires at least 2 meals during the week to be meat free.  A. Meat is expensive. B. Don't need it!

Aaaaand, does anyone remember how much I want chickens?  Well damnit, I still want chickens!  I can't deny myself the need and desire to raise, eat the eggs of and eventually slaughter chickens in my very own suburban back yard.  After I get this next test behind me, I'm going to get crackin' on that coop before the weather gets too cold.  Hell, one more thing on the list of things I do suppose.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

No meat, No dairy? Sounds a little extreme.

I watched a movie last week (in about 4 sittings, FML) called Forks Over Knives.  I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on the subject, but they show some pretty convincing evidence that indicates that we eat way too much protein (meat and dairy based) and that these two food groups are directly indicated in the country's most prominent heath issues, specifically Heart Disease.  I decided to give this lifestyle a try. I know it sounds extreme, but it really hasn't been that big of a deal. 

Ok, its day 4 of life w/out dairy and meat and I'm feeling pretty darn good. I'm not crashing during the day like I normally do.  Yeah, maybe I have a little extra gas now and then from my increased bean consumption, but everything else is pretty damn good.  I'm excited to think of where I'll be in a month...which reminds me that I need to weigh myself and take an unflattering picture in something tight.  The conclusion I've come to about why I was drawn to this diet and why I'm suddenly OK with giving up dairy and meat (like REALLY ok with it) is that there is actual peer-reviewed science behind the claims and not just that old "I can't bear to eat animals anymore" thing.  Because baby, I can eat animals no problem and plan on eating some of that delicious turkey at this Thanksgiving.  But on a daily basis, what do I care?  And I promise that I'm the last person to judge anyone for continuing to eat meat and dairy. 

I would like to take this opportunity to share some of this information with you.

First of all, go watch the movie Forks Over Knives.  Its not that long and incredibly informative.  It is on Netflix and is probably in those Redboxes.   Here's the actual Forks Over Knives movie site.  I downloaded the book for $7.17.  Lots of good stuff in there, including recipes.  This website also references lots of good recipe books.

Here is one of the major players in the movie, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's book, Heart Attack Proof.
Next, go check out the Engine 2 Diet, which was created by Rip Esselstyn, former fire fighter and the son of one of the MD researchers in Forks over Knives.  His is actually more of a diet "plan" that helps you transition into this kind of lifestyle, but his book includes recipes and all of the peer reviewed research and science behind "plant based whole foods" eating and living as well.  He has some good videos on you tube as well.  He's for sure a manly-man who loves his plants.  And yes, he's totally "ripped."

I'll be sure to keep you updated on how I progress and if I actually lose any weight.

Peace out,